Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ivrit Ivrit!

Recently, I have been making an intense effort to become fluent in Hebrew. From recording every word I come across that I dont know, to only speaking to peakock in Hebrew, the language is becoming more and more a part of my life. For years Jews have been stuck in exile with no home. Now we have a home, yippie! But as important as this is to me, something just as important is the language. Just like the Jews were lost, so was our language, it even dissapeared completely for years! But, meraculously, it came back. (Shout out to Eliezer Ben Yehuda!) I think that just as there is now a Jewish state, there is also a language for Jews too! To me, this is something that cannot be taken for granted, just as the state. As a result of this, I have made a concious effort to make Hebrew a much more relevant part of my life, in fact, I see it as just as important as english.
So that brings me, and maybe you, to the question of why is this blog not in Hebrew! A few explanations: First, there is no Hebrew on this computer, which is too bad, but even if there would be, its so hard to type in Hebrew! But second, and more importantly, my Hebrew is not yet at the level it should be, due to the fact that in almost any situation, if i say something to the bus driver, our neighbor, or my chanichim in Hebrew, the response will be in English, something along the lines of, "eh its okay, why you talk in Hebrew?" Furthermore, it makes it even more frustrating when this English response I speak of is made up of words that barely make up a sentance!
Being in Israel has made me feel like I am at home. I have the freedom and means to experience it as I want. However when it comes to simple interactions and I cannot even get a response in Hebrew, its a little bit frustrating. I wish I could give you more info but again, its time to give back the computer! My inspiration for this blog comes from James, one of the Pioneers of the New Kibbutz Movement, and for more information on this and his experience i suggest reading his blog entry on the matter.
Layla Tov!


Oren said...

Hey hey,
You explain that Hebrew is important and that you are very dedicated to learning it, But you dont explain WHY... Why do you think it is necessary/important for jews to have their own language? and for you to know it?
P.S. im learning spanish!

Unknown said...

ארז היקר,
מעניין אם תוכל לקרוא את מה שאני הולכת לכתוב לך בעברית...
הבחירה לדבר וללמוד את השפה העיברית במהלך השנת היא בחירה יוצאת דופן ולא מובנת האליה. הציונות, כמו שאנו מכירים אותה, דורשת מאיתנו להשיל את האופן הגלותי שבחרנו לעצמינו במהלך השנים האחרונות ושבחרו עבורנו הורינו וסבינו. כחלק ממהפכת ה"אדם החדש" עליו אנו נלחמים בחיינו אנו נדרשים לסגל לעצמינו שפה חדשה שתבטא את רעיון ההתחדשות בצורה הכי אוטנטית וטובה שיכולה להיות.
העובדה שבחרת בעיברית מעידה על המהפכה שאתה מחולל בחייך, בלי הפרדות וחלוקות, ועל כן אתה ראוי לשבחים אין ספור.
כל הכבוד,
אתה יודע כמה קשה היה לי לקרוא את הבלוג שלך באנגלית?! באמת כדאי שתתחיל לכתוב אותו בעיברית. אם לא בשבילך אז לפחות בשבילי...