After another MASA event, once again some of us returned home confused as to what it is exactly that the MASA organization is trying to get into our heads. By all means, I think it is incredibly admirable to encourage youth to be proud to be Zionist, I I am incredibly proud myself, however when that comes at the expense of the equality of human worth, and putting down other people, then I have an issue.Which is a direct reason why I choose to be a Socialist Zionist, rather than any Zionist. Subliminal is a well known right wing artist. His lyrics are not clearly racist, even he has stated, "I always put my messages between the lines. You know." However, there have been several instances, and I encourage you to do the research, where he had encouraged youth to be
violently patriotic. Let me explain what exactly happened.Cmments made by him stating "The Arabs want war," (translated from hebrew, "Aravim rotzim milchama," became a regular thing throughout the concert. After the show got under way and some people including myself grew frustrated, some Hashomer Hatzair Shnatis held up a sign stating that Subliminal encourages unnecessary violence. Which, based on what he stands for, at this point is our understanding of him. Shortly after, the sign was taken away and torn to pieces. A MASA coordinator pulled me and another workshoper aside and explained that this event was strictly fun and not political. However, at the same time, Subliminal was on stage saying things such as, "if you aren't proud to be Zionist, you can get out." Furthermore, the encouragement of army service, and the de-validation of anything but that, such as other ways of helping the immediate needs of Israel and its society right now, by means of education via structures such as informality and values based. Shortly after, a workshoper was given the mike, and explained how she felt about what he stood for. His response was telling her to fuck off, and to learn Hebrew and to be Israeli before she says those things. Strange thing is that she is Israeli, and does know Hebrew. After this, myself and some Hashomer Hatzair shnati's held up signs saying "equality," and "violence is not the answer," however, those signs did not last long, as some people made the choice to push us and take our signs, and shred them up, followed by a shove! At this point, we chose to leave, seeing as A) I have never been in a fight and am more of a hugging/discussion type person. and B) Why would I want to get in a fight when I am holding a sign stating that violence is not the answer. As the political messages that we did not agree with continued to be said, we, (Myself and someone from Hashomer Hatzair) chose not to participate in any dancing, and discussed the issue of equality for the remainder of the concert, which ended up being about 5 minutes. Although the music was great, it was frustrating being treated unfairly, being shoved, and mocked for standing up for what I believe in. Although there is often jokingly competition between Hashomer Hatzair and my tnua, I was truly very impressed with there passion.
It is not surprising since MASA is part of the Jewish Agency and Sharansky is a right wing zealot. Perhaps in the future Habonim Dror and Hashomer Hatzair should arrange their own entertainment. It is sad to see the world become a more intolerant, polarized place, even at a concert.
I think HDNA and Hashomer should continue to attend these events and make their position known, don't boycott and don't back down. I have a daughter who was part of the Hashomer crowd at this concert and I have to say I am proud of her and all of you who were there and spoke your mind.
As a member of HH Shnat, being at this concert was incredible. We thought a long time whether or not to organize something like this and we were even happier to find nearly immediate partners (HDNA). Serious thanks from our kvutza, it was great to work together.
Chazak ve'Ematz
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