After a week of messima and the normal, yet fun dosage of peulot and texts read, it was time to re-focus our attention towards our quickly approaching Poland journey.
We headed up to most northern tip of the Galilee for the second second Poland prep seminar. After A pre-pre seminar where we discussed the intentions behind mystification and choices, we were all ready to approach the topic with a new mindset, which was different for everyone. With no hesitation, at the moment of our arrival we got right to it! Downstairs we went to a small classroom type space, where we quickly set up a circle of chairs and removed the desks to give us the feel of how we tend to go about doing things.
After last week's peula about why anti-semitism exists, it was time to further our discussions, and look at some new writings for more answers. This time, we were presented with Bialick's "City of Slaughter."
In this writting by Bialick, he presents his critique of the Jewish people after the Pogroms in Kishiev in 1903. The early 1900's were the prime period of Jewish Diaspora existence; for those who chose to remain a community within a larger community. Bialick explains that the Jewish people who did choose to remain to exist under a large host population were led to endless persecution, as they were the scape goat for almost any situation in which things took a turn for the worse. When these pogroms happened, it would be difficult to avoid the question of why the Jews simply took persecution and never stood up for themselves. At this point in my blog for those who follow regularly, or for those who know about Diaspora Jewry, your probable thinking the right thing! The three NO'S! I'll remind you for those who forgot. A) No rebelling against the host population. B) No rushing Messiah. C) No returning to Israel. As a result of these three rules being continuously followed, a culture of passivity was created. When things in Kishiev got bad, the host population took their frustrations out on the Jews, due to the Jewish people economic success, which took away from a strong economy for the host population. The funny thing about the Diaspora is that it is a plan for survival; a plan for the Jews to have a way of maintaining their unique culture and identity. However, some of the three no's seemed to be an obsticle in this plan. Let me explain. Lets look at the no of not rebelling, or fighting back against the host population. The reasoning for this rule does make sense; because if an attack is launched against the Jews, and the Jews revolt, it potentially would upset the host population. Since the Jewish community is extremely small compared to the host, it seems like things could get bad quick. However on the other hand, things got bad either way. There needed to be some sort of revolt, and very rarely was that the case. Bialick's main point of "The City of Slaughter," was to get the point across that Jews cannot live by these principles. He gives the example of when in Kishiev a synogogue was burning down. Soon, the synogogue is ruined, and no longer exists. Rather than questioning why these things are happening, the Jews simply prayed to God, and asked for forgiveness for whatever they did that made them deserve the punishment of a Pogrom. Bialick uses this piece of writing to criticize the Jews for not revolting. Furthermore, all of this could be avoided by creating a Jewish state, and creating a Zionist revolution. It was those, (very few people) who did rebel, who ended up being Zionist pioneers.
I found a copy of the piece on
Arise and go now to the city of slaughter;
Into its courtyard wind thy way;
There with thine own hand touch, and with the eyes of thine head,
Behold on tree, on stone, on fence, on mural clay,
The spattered blood and dried brains of the dead.
Proceed thence to the ruins, the split walls reach,
Where wider grows the hollow, and greater grows the breach;
Pass over the shattered hearth, attain the broken wall
Those burnt and barren brick, whose charred stones reveal
The open mouths of such wounds, that no mending
Shall ever mend, nor healing ever heal.
There will thy feet in feathers sink, and stumble
On wreckage doubly wrecked, scroll heaped on manuscript.
Fragments again fragmented
Pause not upon this havoc; go thy way�
Unto the attic mount, upon thy feet and hands;
Behold the shadow of death among the shadows stands.
Crushed in their shame, they saw it all;
They did not pluck their eyes out; they
Beat not their brains against the wall!
Perhaps, perhaps, each watcher bad it in his heart to pray:
A miracle, O Lord, and spare my skin this day!
Come, now, and I will bring thee to their lairs
The privies, jakes and pigpens where the heirs
Of Hasmoneans lay, with trembling knees,
Concealed and cowering -the sons of the Maccabees!
The seed of saints, the scions of the lions!
Who, crammed by scores in all the sanctuaries of their shame
So sanctified My name!
It was the flight of mice they fled,
The scurrying of roaches was their flight;
They died like dogs, and they were dead!
And on the next morn, after the terrible night
The son who was not murdered found
The spurned cadaver of his father on the ground.
Now wherefore dost thou weep, O son of Man?
Brief-weary and forespent, a dark Shekinah
Runs to each nook and cannot find its rest;
Wishes to weep, but weeping does not come;
Would roar; is dumb.
Its head beneath its wing, its wing outspread
Over the shadows of the martyr'd dead,
Its tears in dimness and in silence shed.
And thou, too, son of man, close now the gate behind thee;
Be closed in darkness now, now thine that charnel space;
So tarrying there thou wilt be one with pain and anguish
And wilt fill up with sorrow thine heart for all its days.
Then on the day of thine own desolation
A refuge will it seem,
Lying in thee like a curse, a demon's ambush,
The haunting of an evil dream,
O, carrying it in thy heart, across the world's expanse
Thou wouldst proclaim it, speak it out,
But thy lips shall not find its utterance.
Beyond the suburbs go, and reach the burial ground.
Let no man see thy going; attain that place alone,
A place of sainted graves and martyr-stone.
Stand on the fresh-turned soil.
There in the dismal corner, there in the shadowy nook,
Multitudinous eyes will look
Upon thee from the sombre silence
The spirits of the martyrs are these souls,
Gathered together, at long last,
Beneath these rafters and in these ignoble holes.
The hatchet found them here, and hither do they come
To seal with a last look, as with their final breath,
The agony of their lives, the terror of their death.
Question the spider in his lair!
His eyes beheld these things; and with his web he can
A tale unfold horrific to the ear of man:
A tale of cloven belly, feather-filled;
Of nostrils nailed, of skull-bones bashed and spilled;
Of murdered men who from the beams were hung,
And of a babe beside its mother flung,
Its mother speared, the poor chick finding rest
Upon its mother's cold and milkless breast;
Of how a dagger halved an infant's word,
Its ma was heard, its mama never heard.
Then wilt thou bid thy spirit - Hold, enough!
Stifle the wrath that mounts within thy throat,
Bury these things accursed,
Within the depth of thy heart, before thy heart will burst!
Then wilt thou leave that place, and go thy way
And lo-
The earth is as it was, the sun still shines:
It is a day like any other day.
Descend then, to the cellars of the town,
There where the virginal daughters of thy folk were fouled,
Where seven heathen flung a woman down,
The daughter in the presence of her mother,
The mother in the presence of her daughter,
Before slaughter, during slaughter and after slaughter!
Note also, do not fail to note,
In that dark corner, and behind that cask
Crouched husbands, bridegrooms, brothers, peering from the cracks,
Watching the sacred bodies struggling underneath
The bestial breath,
Stifled in filth, and swallowing their blood!
Such silence will take hold of thee, thy heart will fail
With pain and shame, yet I
Will let no tear fall from thine eye.
Though thou wilt long to bellow like the driven ox
That bellows, and before the Altar balks,
I will make hard thy heart, yea, I
Will not permit a sigh.
See, see, the slaughtered calves, so smitten and so laid;
Is there a price for their death? How shall that price be paid?
Forgive, ye shamed of the earth, yours is a pauper-Lord!
Poor was He during your life, and poorer still of late.
When to my door you come to ask for your reward,
I'll open wide: See, I am fallen from My high estate.
I grieve for you, my children. My heart is sad for you.
Your dead were vainly dead; and neither I nor you
Know why you died or wherefore, for whom, nor by what laws;
Your deaths are without reason; your lives are without cause.
Turn, then, thy gaze from the dead, and I will lead
Thee from the graveyard to thy living brothers,
And thou wilt come, with those of thine own breed,
Into the synagogue, and on a day of fasting,
To hear the cry of their agony,
Their weeping everlasting.
Thy skin will grow cold, the hair on thy skin stand up,
And thou wilt be by fear and trembling tossed;
Thus groans a people which is lost.
Look in their hearts - behold a dreary waste,
Where even vengeance can revive no growth,
And yet upon their lips no mighty malediction
Rises, no blasphemous oath.
Speak to them, bid them rage!
Let them against me raise the outraged hand,
Let them demand!
Demand the retribution for the shamed
Of all the centuries and every age!
Let fists be flung like stone
Against the heavens and the heavenly Throne!
And thou, too, pity them not, nor touch their wound;
Within their cup no further measure pour.
Wherever thou wilt touch, a bruise is found,
Their flesh is wholly sore.
For since they have met pain with resignation
And have made peace with shame,
What shall avail thy consolation?
They are too wretched to evoke thy scorn.
They are too lost thy pity to evoke.
So let them go, then, men to sorrow born,
Mournful and slinking, crushed beneath their yoke.
So to their homes, and to their hearth depart
Rot in the bones, corruption in the heart.
And go upon the highway,
Thou shalt then meet these men destroyed by sorrow,
Sighing and groaning, at the doors of the wealthy
Proclaiming their sores, like so much peddler's wares,
The one his battered head, t'other limbs unhealthy,
One shows a wounded arm, and one a fracture bares.
And all have eyes that are the eyes of slaves,
Slaves flogged before their masters;
And each one begs, and each one craves:
Reward me, Master, for that my skull is broken.
Reward me for my father who was martyred!
And so their sympathy implore.
For you are now as you have been of yore
As you stretched your hand
So will you stretch it,
And as you have been wretched
So are you wretched!
What is thy business here, o son of man?
Rise, to the desert flee!
The cup of affliction thither bear with thee!
Take thou they soul, rend it in many a shred!
With impotent rage, thy heart deform!
Thy tear upon the barren boulders shed
And send they bitter cry into the storm.
Planting Trees, The Matrix & HaNoar HaOved VeHalomed
Last week, someone asked me how I’m settling into my work here in North
America as an Israeli emissary. I smiled and answered that I’m absolutely
loving it...
8 years ago
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