Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More Catching up...and some Background info:

Before i go on to blogging about major events that happen to me daily, i realize first it is important that i give an explanation as to what Habonim Dror is, other than the organization that brought me to Israel for a year. To me, there is no short answer. Habonim Dror is a world wide progressive Labor Zionist Youth Movement, which, in most cases when its values are carried out, they are most often within a socialist framework. But HD is much more than that. Habonim Dror is a set of values which builds incredible individuals. Every time i put on a Chultzah, I realize how fortunate I am to be part of such an important movement. HD has five pillars that make up its ideology, but really its much more. These pillars, Labor Zionism, Socialism, Cultural Judaism, Social Justice and Hagshama, or actualization. Each one of these pillars is a basis of never ending knowledge and communal values. Habonim Dror is more than just a youth movement that holds summer camps every year, it is a youth movement that educates, and empowers youth based on crucial communal values, and life skills. Personally, I feel that the philosophy of informal education practiced in Habonim Dror should be a model of education. Just ask Martin Buber, or Paulo Freire. Seeing as i attended Private Jewish school for twelve years, and have already learned what seems to be much much more within this style of education, it seems that the choice is simple. Moreover, perhaps one of the most crucial things which I have taken from Habonim Dror is the mindset of questioning, and challenging. A skill that has finally been coming around in my life at a perfect time. There is so much more to say, but throughout the blog you will learn much much more!

1 comment:

DeDe said...

' Lovin' it "

to quote my favorite beverage restaurant, where I believe our realtionship started.